"Multi-Pulse" provides support for different surveys (sets of questions) across different locations and/or internal locations on the same account. Internal locations can be used as a mechanism for offering different questions to the guest at the same location, depending on the internal location selection.
As before, question categories can be defined for a Pulse account to measure key operational metrics. The difference with Multi-Pulse is that question wording for the same category can be different for every location; and different categories or metrics can be selected to be displayed for a given location or internal location. Multiple text fields can be used to collect specific information.
The Questions page in Bootstrap under Multi-Pulse has been replaced by the Categories page, found under the Content menu. This page allows creating the question categories associated with the key metrics that the customer would like to track. As before, there are two types of categories - yes or no questions (Boolean) and free-form text input field (Text). Changing the type of the category after it was created is not supported.
We recommend limiting the number of Boolean categories to four for any given account, because currently Account Reporting does not allow tracking and displaying more than four Boolean categories. In cases when more than four Boolean categories are defined for the account, Reporting will be automatically disabled due to technical limitations of the Reporting engine. This limitation will be addressed in a future release.
There is no limit to how many Text categories you can add and the UI can now handle multiple text input fields gracefully:
The ordered set of categories selected for a given location with their specific question wordings together form a survey. Every Pulse account requires to have a default survey that governs which questions should be displayed for all locations when no specific survey is configured for them. In addition to that administrators can define surveys for individual locations and internal locations with different categories and wordings that will overwrite the default survey.
Multi-Pulse Mobile
To accommodate the changes in Pulse, the Mobile UI was updated for accounts that use the feature. The new UI provides location selection as the first step, as it is now required to determine which survey should be displayed.
After the location is selected the default location survey is displayed. If there are internal locations setup for the location, guests will be offered to optionally select the internal location. In cases when the internal location has a different survey, the questions will be updated. Similarly, if the guest changes the location selection and the new location has a different default survey, the questions will be updated.
Pulse App Updates for iOS and Chrome
The client apps for provisioning kiosk and scoreboard devices allows selecting an internal location where available. The location/store number has to be entered manually and afterwards the internal location selection appears displaying the available internal locations in a dropdown. Please see below the examples of the iOS Pulse client configuration screens with several internal locations available, on an iPad:
And on an iPod:
Web Multi-Survey
To force multi-survey treatment on a web URL, use the `multiSurvey` URL parameter as follows:
This will force-on Multi-Survey mode for the browser session.
Inbox Navigation Update
This update includes a redesign of the navigation styling for Employee Inbox on Desktop and Mobile. Please see the new navigation menu below (web & mobile):
Multi-Pulse Configuration
In order to configure more than one survey for a Pulse account, please ensure the account is using Decaf Feature routing, which can be enabled on the OPS Settings page in Bootstrap.
Bootstrap now provides a new page for managing surveys, - Content > Surveys page. The page allows creating and updating the surveys, as well as selecting which survey should be the account’s default. Assigning surveys to the individual locations is done on the Facets > Locations page.
The screenshot below shows an example of an account that has two surveys. The first is the default, with four yes or no questions and one comment field, the second only has two yes or no questions:
Notice that the first survey is not assigned to any specific location, however since it is the default survey, it will be used for any location that does not have a specific survey assigned to it. The “Buffet” survey is assigned to three locations - Canada Revenue Agency, SLC Brockville and SLC Cornwall - and these three locations will be using the “Buffet” survey instead of the default one.
A survey can be assigned to multiple locations or internal locations. This assignment is done on the Locations and Internal Locations pages in the Admin pages:
When an internal location uses a different survey than the parent location, the questions on the Mobile Guest UI will be updated once the internal location is selected. Please refer to the Updates to Mobile UI section for more details on the survey display rules. For the kiosk UI, the selection of internal location and thus the selection of survey questions is now part of the device setup that store associate completes using Pulse client app. Please refer to the Pulse App Updates for iOS and Chrome section for more details.
To create a new survey, from the Surveys page select the +Create option. This opens the Create Survey form that allows selecting the question categories and specifying the wording for the individual questions. “Short Code” and “Description” are used in the Surveys Overview table in Bootstrap and on the Locations page and will not be visible on any of the Guest UIs.
Notice that whether the question order should be randomized for each new guest is now configured directly on the Survey page. Short Code can be used to access the survey questions directly, using the following URL syntax:
“Category” field is a dropdown that displays question categories defined for the current Pulse account. When there is more than one question in the survey, they can be re-ordered by drag-and-dropping the questions after clicking the top right corner “order” icon.
Notice the “Delete” button in the “Questions” section. Deleting a question from the survey does not remove the associated category, but simply hides the question from the kiosks, mobile and scoreboards for all locations that use this survey. The “Delete” option on the survey page governs question display only and does not result in any data being purged.
On the Categories page in Bootstrap there is a “Visible” option for every question category. Using this option a category can be hidden from Scoreboards, Reporting, Employee Inbox, Exports and Digests when “Visible” is set to false. However, by design it will appear on the location Kiosks and Mobile UI and continue to collect data for the category, if it is part a survey, even when the “Visible” flag is set to false.
A category that is not part of any survey can be deleted. Deleting a category is only supported when the category is not part of any surveys. When a category is deleted, it will be no longer be displayed in Reporting, Export, Digests, or when viewing loops. However, the historic data is still retained in the database.
Scoreboards and Digests
Location scoreboards show all visible categories from the location’s survey, including the categories from internal locations’ surveys. In the example below, the “Local Diner” location has two internal locations, one for Eat in and one for Take out guest surveys. The two surveys include different questions, allowing the business owner to target different use-cases through the surveys.
The default location survey is Eat in with only one Boolean question category, the other two categories are text, which do not appear on the Scoreboard:
Since one of the Local Diner’s internal locations uses a survey that includes “Food” category, the location Scoreboard will also include this category.
Global scoreboards show all visible categories for the account, including those that are not part of any survey currently. The Local Diner’s account has two surveys, which use two of it’s three Boolean categories, Food and Service. The third Boolean category - Order Accuracy is not currently used in any of the surveys. However, since it is a visible category, it does appear on the global account scoreboard:
Digest will display a column for each category. Categories without a response and those that were not part of the survey are both indicated with a dash "-", the latter coloured grey.
Digests will not be sent if the number of visible categories for the surveys configured for the location (and internal locations) exceed 5 categories.
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