If you tend to examine reporting using the same custom query often, consider using browser bookmarks to save it. Every time you update date, location, and attribute settings on the Reports page, the new settings are added to the page URL, so you can bookmark the page to access the current view again later. Browser bookmarks can correctly save reporting queries such as "data for all locations for the past week" because reporting uses relative instead of fixed dates.
Date range is defined by relative dates, meaning that instead of specifying a fixed start and end date, reporting specifies number-of-days offset. For example, if the selected time range is starting 30 days ago and ending today, any time this query is run it will always return data from the last 30 days. Attributes that are selected for the query will also be preserved by bookmarking.
To bookmark and save a reporting query define the date range and attributes. Once the report is successfully loaded, in the browser menu choose to bookmark the page. Any time this bookmark is used the same reporting query will run.
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