A-Series Introduction
Status: General Availability Scope: Pulse Hardware Initial Release: 2013
In comparison to the C-Series, highlights of the Loop® Pulse A-Series kiosk and scoreboard solution are:
- Powered by Apple-based devices for their robustness and backwards-compatibility.
- Fortified enclosure options that feature the most sturdy and ‘brandable’ surfaces.
- Full LDM support for remote device management and field support.
- Full Pulse feature support for the full kiosk and scoreboard experience.
A-Series device options are shown below (with detailed components listed following):
A-Series connection options include only:
- Internet-Link in which the kiosk and scoreboard both communicate with the Loop® service.
This connection model, highlights and considerations are:
A-Series Kiosk Hardware Options
Kiosk Component List
Podium Enclosures
Enclosure Features:
- Stable, heavy base to mitigate toppling risk
- Damage resistant steel and key-locking enclosure (both optional, shown above)
- Attached marketing signage (optional, not shown above)
Counter-mount Enclosure
Enclosure Features:
- Damage resistant steel and key-locking enclosure (both optional, shown above)
- Attached marketing signage (optional, not shown above)
A-Series Scoreboard Hardware Options
Scoreboard Component List
Scoreboard Hardware
Scoreboard Features:
- Live, auto-updating, always-on, hands-free, flat/tilt/arm mounts
- Optional staff queues (actionable loop indicators, connectivity indicators)
Hardware Notes
The scoreboard page is fully responsive and will take up the screen space depending on the TV or monitor resolution. Since iPod Touch does not natively allow disabling “mirroring” option when the device is connected to a TV, Benbria released an iOS app for Pulse that allows displaying scoreboard with mirroring disabled. The app can be downloaded freely from the Apple Store. Customers would need to enter their Loop account name and store number to connect to their scoreboard.
When scoreboards are installed in the restaurant kitchens heat is an additional consideration. Ideally, the device driving the scoreboard should never be in direct proximity with industrial grade stoves or grills. The set-up requires the iPod to be close to a power-outlet and connected to it at all times.
Good Internet connection is crucial to scoreboard performance. While offline the scoreboard will continue displaying the current counts, but will not be able to update to the latest score. During intermittent loss of connectivity, if the scoreboard is rendered using our Apple iPod app, it will attempt reconnecting until it succeeds.
Device Connection Guidelines
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With Internet-Link, the Loop Kiosk application and Scoreboard application run independently and are connected only through the Loop® service (via the public internet). No ‘local’ communication is supported between kiosk and scoreboard. Connections (Ai) and (Bi) respectively are required to: - Initially start each device - Sync scores and results with Loop® - Receive new app content from Loop® (including software updates and configuration changes) Connection (C) is via Apple’s HDMI connector; several cable lengths are supported but to a maximum of 330’ (feet of HDMLcable). |
For comparison: All C-Series devices (see separate Pulse documentation) support multiple link types.
Connectivity Requirements
The behaviour of the A-Series devices is included on the following page based on the definitions of service scenarios below:
- “Fully Connected” (consistent connection and consistent internet service),
- “Intermittent Service” (consistent local connection but inconsistent internet service),
- “Intermittent Connection”
(inconsistent physical connection and therefore also inconsistent internet service), - “No Service” (consistent local connection but no internet service for a period of >8 hours), or
- “Blackout” (no local connection or internet service for a period of >8 hours)
The following describes the functions of each device in the range of connectivity scenarios:
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