In the Topic Report, Loop uses automatic sentiment analysis and natural language processing techniques to display a graph of topics based on Tags that you have configured with keywords and auto-tagging. You can add additional Tags and configure auto-tagging terms at any time to add a bar to this report. Each bar in the graph represents a specific Tag and shows the total number of messages, broken down by sentiment.
The display options allows you to change the way the data is presented.
- Stacked – Shows the total number of messages while separating the bad into segments for each sentiment. These can be one of 5 sentiments: Very Angry, Angry, Neutral, Happy, and Very Happy. The sentiment is determined by Loop’s natural language processing algorithm.
- Average – Show the average sentiment for the Tag.
- Bar – Shows a separate bar for each sentiment.
Sort by:
- Tag Names – Sorts the bars alphabetically by Tag name.
- Counts – Sorts the bars by quantity of associated messages, from high to low.
- Tag Temperature – Sorts the bars by average sentiment, from Very Happy to Very Angry.
- Count – Show the Y-axis as the number of messages.
- Percentages – Show the Y-axis as the percentage of total messages.
Clicking on a bar or segment displays the messages associated with the Tag and Sentiment. This works the same way as the conversation view in the Trending Topics report.
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